
Welcome Back to Armafuckingeddon...

Suddenly it's 2008 again and we're on the brink of Armafuckingeddon and my largest position AAPL is hemorrhaging losses day in and day out ; unbelievably clown raping my net worth to the point of biblical horror...

Trading AAPL the last 6 weeks has been EXACTLY akin to:

Fundamentals don't matter anymore; charts are broken and technical analysis is for suckers; nothing makes sense anymore. Look at the sorry exhibition that is AAPL.. they're selling every fucking thing Chinese slave labour camps can pump out and the stock is going to $00.00 right the fuck now again, RIMM-style... pundits are pulling all sorts of numbers of their asses again, and good news is bad, bad news is worse... Just what the fuck is going on here??

But I'm not selling one fucking share.. You see, if you understand what is really going on in the market you can sleep easy at night. No, it's not because the "Black Communist" got in again and he made Jay-Z the Secretary of Swag. Nor is it the "fiscal cliff" or "everybody is selling ...for tax reasons" bullshit the CNBC dicksuckers are touting...

When I say degenerate two-bit hucksters in checkered Republican pants and their HFT bots are pulling rabbits out of their fucking magic hats again, understand I am NOT joking here... "playing the game", manipulation, whatever you want to call it... learn it, understand it and embrace the fraud that is Wall Street...

Even Cramer admits doing it...listen carefully:


Good Morning.


Let It Snow..

Yesterday's weather was the ultimate litmus test for all you jerk offs and fucktards...

So did EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU FUCKERS suddenly forget it rained before all that snow fell then froze over?? What? 200+ accidents with cars all over the ditch this morning does not give indication to SLOW THE FUCK DOWN??? And what's with you dicksuckers driving like crackpipe smoking baby monkeys that insist on passing everybody only to slam on the brakes because there's still traffic in front?? You're that much in a rush to GET TO WORK???


You know.. there are psychopaths that would randomly open fire in a McDonald's for a reason... Not saying I would do that kind of shit myself, but I do understand...

Markets looking to bounce from yesterday's egregious pukefest. This doesn't necessarily mean Christmas is back on...

Good Morning.


Another Four Fucking Years of Cocaine Gorillas...

The Obama gets his second term..no change in the House or Senate. Re-elected is the fiscal cliff, high unemployment, inflation, budget problems, and Bernanke's long lines of cocaine. $16 Trillion in debt and our Amerikan comrades are more concerned with gay marriage and smoking pot in front of cops. Awesome.

What must pain GOPers the most about Obama's victory is that 2012 was truly winnable for them... Pundits say the Republicans need to figure shit out..Well, it's actually quite easier than that: just ditch those fucking Tea Party psychopaths!! But hey, if you are a Romney supporter and if you also accept the fact that elections are always rigged and America lives in a state of oligarchy, you can swallow the loss in ease..plus you can always blame Ryan.

As a Canadian looking in from the outside, we are elated with the Obama win. Now really, who wants cheaper gas at the pump and a 65 cent Cdn dollar anyways?? We are enjoying our endless uptick in home prices immensely and really don't need some binder-toting goat fucker fucking with our cross-border shopping needs!!!

Pre-markets are reacting in fuck you, we're dead for another 4 years fashion, 2008 all over again-style. So.. this is what "certainty" feels like...


Good Morning.


Happy AAPL Raider Day!!

Happy US Election Day and AAPL dividend raider day...

Last day to buy AAPL to get the Nov 15th divvy as the EX-date is tomorrow. Please enjoy watching the glorious spectacle of options volume going full retard to the upside today as MMs play "the game"; buying DITM calls and exercising them immediately to capture the $2.65 divvy, then selling the same calls for delta neutrality....

My mood is that of a psychopath with a chemical imbalance pushing old fuckers down moving escalators....

My portfolio is sitting in shit soup, sucking on 10 dicks lately, hemorrhaging 6 figure losses in 4 weeks, as I hold onto stupid as fuck amounts of AAPL common and OTM calls during AAPL's biggest correction in valuation since the dismal days of the 2008 financial crisis... My dip-buying escapades will surely spell the end of me one day..but this is AAPL for fuck sakes!

Work is being a piece of shit right now and giving me a hard time for missing out on a couple of "important" safety meetings, because discussing the intricacies of starting a fire in a live refinery and the nuances of climbing a ladder with pocketfuls of big wrenches and loose change is somehow much more important than meeting up with the project coordinators that call you every ten minutes only to have you run around like a coke-addled baby gorilla.. when really I should be watching my portfolio grind into fucking dust...

And now with the volatility of an 50-50 even presidential race, all gap ups are being faded, rallies are sold, and being in the fucking markets is more like playing pinless hand grenade hot potato.

An Obama win means driving off the fiscal cliff, $5/gallon gasoline and $100 tomatoes and a King Romney victory spells Austerity and the end of the QE cocaine train. No matter which two-bit huckster goat fucker our neighbors to the South vote in today, eventually means the same thing: the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, the Middle Class gets fucked. Americans are only choosing on "how" they get grape raped today....

Short term, markets will rally into American Turkey Day, on an uncertainty finally becoming certain but long term... Hmmm. Worst case scenario: a Bush-Gore-esce clown fuck tie again.

As a Canadian looking in, we will be doing what we do at our own elections: not voting. We'll be sitting at home, eating Doritos, and catch it all on CNN...

Good Morning.